We are open for various types of partnerships!
EmbarQ is set to be a great tool for travel industry professionals and anybody who loves sea trips and gorgeous places!
Call us on +35725030345 or send us an e-mail to pr@88parsec.com.

Maritime Practice
Educational center Maritime Practice. We offer a chance to have a sail training voyage to high latitudes of the Arctic and Antarctica in the most ancient, beautiful and environmentally friendly way – under sail.

Yoga Club Barcelona
Come and experience yoga in a safe and therapeutic space, feel which style suits you best and delve into the transformation of your whole being. Open your heart, we will accompany you.

Aqualized Dive Adventures
So lernt die Welt zu tauchen. Wir suchen das Abenteuer, von dem andere nur träumen. Uns verbindet die Liebe zur Unterwasserwelt und unser Wunsch, sie zu schützen.