Un séjour traumatisant pour les golfeurs et les amateurs de golf !

Golf and Sail

Se lever le matin sur de superbes plages de sable, commencer un beau voyage dans la journée, jouer sur des terrains de golf fantastiques, faire une course de golf individuelle et légendaire, et finir la journée avec des boissons chaudes et un bon verre.

Faites-vous aider par la maîtresse de maison ! Venez à bord !

The idea... Irrestible
The idea... Irrestible

An unique combination of a legendary sailing cruise and ambitious golfing on fantastic Mediterranean and Atlantic locations.

Absolute regeneration

GOLF and SAIL CRUISES offers the rare combination of sporty recreation and absolute regeneration. Feel the fresh ocean breeze and allow yourself to enjoy quiet and relaxation with the luxury of an extraordinaire sailing yacht.

Absolute regeneration
Enjoy golfing on your cruise around Greece
Enjoy golfing on your cruise around Greece

The selected, beautifully landscaped golf courses offer best conditions for unforgettable rounds for all handicaps.

Relax on board & play golf

A Golf Pro who accompanies you throughout the complete round-trip helps to improve your game. Non-golfers can choose from various activities on board or practice their first golf swings.

Relax on board & play golf