Your healing space

Come and experience yoga in a safe and therapeutic space, feel which style suits you best and delve into the transformation of your whole being. Open your heart, we will accompany you.

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Yoga Club Barcelona


The Yoga Club Barcelona was born in 2020 with the idea of bringing the practice of yoga and other disciplines closer together spiritual to all the world.

At the Club we practice different styles and techniques of yoga, but always trying to practice from a therapeutic point of view. We understand therapeutic as everything that makes you feel better, that generates well-being and happiness, and even that heals.

Along the same lines we offer our massages and holistic therapies, integrating these manual and energy therapies, to the physical, mental and spiritual therapy of yoga.

The Yoga Club Barcelona is a multidisciplinary healing space, a safe, penetrating and magical space.

You will find your space where you feel comfortable whenever you need it, count on us for support, we are here for that.

Naïr is a yoga instructor especialized in Vinyasa Yoga, Yoga Kids and Yoga for Pregnancy. She was born in Barcelona in 1992, and after several years traveling, she is stablished now in her hometown to share her learning and knowledge. Trained in India, Colombia and Barcelona, Naïr offers her own remix of her learnings a long the way, creating her own style and paying special attention to the well-being of each of her students. Her classes are an inmersion into the self, experiencing yoga from a therapeutic and holistic point of view. Through Vinyasa, its fundamentals and its flow, she teachs you to integrate this practice into our lives, nourishing ourselves with its multiple physical, emotional, mental and energetic benefits. In addition, she keeps adding knowledge and skills to her career, so now a days you already can enjoy of a wide variety of therapies like massages, aromatherapy, chakra healing, gemotherapy, etc.