A fairytale destination dotted with brightly painted traditional houses. An island formed from the remains of an extinct volcano.

Are you looking for a breathtaking destination that combines natural beauty and cultural richness? Then you should definitely visit the picturesque island of Ponza in Italy, which boasts one of the most beautiful ports in the Mediterranean. Located in the Tyrrhenian Sea, about 30 kilometers south of Rome, Ponza is a hidden gem that offers visitors an unforgettable experience.

The port of Ponza is the main gateway to the island, and it welcomes visitors with its crystal-clear waters and charming waterfront. As soon as you step off the ferry, you will be enchanted by the colorful houses and the picturesque marina, which is lined with fishing boats and luxury yachts.

But the beauty of Ponza doesn't stop at the port. The island is renowned for its rugged coastline and stunning beaches, which are a paradise for swimmers, snorkelers, and sunbathers. One of the most popular beaches is Chiaia di Luna, which is surrounded by high cliffs and offers a breathtaking view of the sea.

Ponza is also rich in history and culture, with a fascinating mix of ancient ruins, churches, and traditional architecture. One of the must-visit attractions is the Roman Cisterns, which are a network of underground tunnels and chambers that were used to collect and store rainwater in ancient times. Another highlight is the Chiesa di San Silverio, a beautiful church that is dedicated to the patron saint of the island.

But perhaps the most memorable experience you can have in Ponza is exploring the island's natural wonders. Take a boat tour around the island and discover hidden coves, sea stacks, and grottoes, such as the famous Grotta di Pilato, a cave that is only accessible by boat and is said to have been used by the Roman emperor as a secret escape route.

Whether you are a nature lover, a history buff, or simply looking for a place to unwind and relax, the port of Ponza has something to offer for everyone. So why not pack your bags and embark on an adventure to one of Italy's most enchanting destinations?

Deep beneath the emerald green waters that surround the island of Ponza, lies a mysterious underwater world that has captivated the imaginations of islanders and visitors alike for centuries. According to local legend, the waters surrounding the island were once home to a beautiful and powerful sea goddess named Leucosia.

Leucosia was a mermaid with a voice that could enchant even the most hardened sailor. She was known for her love of music and her mesmerizing singing, which was said to calm the roughest of seas. But Leucosia was also known for her fiery temper and her ability to summon powerful storms that could sink ships and sweep sailors away to their watery graves.

Despite her beauty and her powers, Leucosia was also known for her fierce protectiveness of the sea and the creatures that called it home. She would punish anyone who dared to harm her beloved ocean, often drowning sailors who disregarded her warnings and sailed too close to the island.

One fateful day, a group of sailors came ashore on Ponza, and one of them, a young and handsome man named Ulysses, caught Leucosia's eye. She was immediately smitten by his good looks and kind heart, and the two quickly fell in love.

Ulysses and Leucosia's love affair was brief but intense, and they spent many blissful days together exploring the underwater world that surrounded the island. But their happiness was not to last. One day, while Ulysses was out at sea, a violent storm swept in and threatened to sink his ship. Desperate to save her lover, Leucosia summoned all of her power to calm the storm and guide Ulysses safely back to shore.

But in doing so, she used up all of her strength and was unable to save herself. Leucosia died in the storm, and her body was carried out to sea, never to be seen again.

Legend has it that on quiet nights, you can still hear the hauntingly beautiful voice of Leucosia singing her mournful song to the sea, a testament to her undying love for Ulysses and the ocean that claimed her life. And if you listen carefully, you might just catch a glimpse of her shimmering form, as she dances through the waters of Ponza, forever guarding her beloved island and its seafaring inhabitants.

Running on Waves

A three-mast sailing vessel, rigging type – barquentine. With the length of 64 metres, she is one of the biggest sailing yachts in the world. Unique superyacht designed to provide amazing experience for its guests.