Sermilik is the most ice-bearing fjord in the region, with huge icebergs the size of entire cities coming off its glaciers. The fjord overlooks the famous Greenland ice sheet and whales are often seen there. The fjord has four major tongue outcrops of the main Greenland Ice Shelf, and is almost always packed with huge icebergs of bizarre shapes.

The main "suppliers" of icebergs are the Helheimgletscher, Isgletscher, Midgardgletscher glaciers located in the northern part of the Sermilik fjord. We will try to get as close as possible to the nearest beautiful Harn glacier, look at the icefall, listen to the crackle of melting ice and if desired we can swim from the board of the sailing boat in icy melt water.

Wylde Swan

  • Sailing countries: Greenland Greenland Iceland Iceland ...and other
  • Max guests: 26
  • Length over all: 62 m

The “Wylde Swan” is a 2-masted topsail schooner, the largest in the world of her type.


The two-masted schooner Elsi was built in 1986 by the German shipyard Blumenthaler Werft as a training expedition ship. In 2013, an extensive reconstruction and equipment of the sailboat was carried out for operation in the high latitudes of the Arctic and Antarctic. Subsequently, the schooner was used in medical humanitarian expeditions to remote corners of the world.