This is an abandoned village where they used to mine coal until 1972. Due to labour intensity and costly processes the mining ceased and the workers had to leave their homes and move.

Although there is no communications and electricity, and the place resembles Silent Hill, old residents and miners′ grandchildren take care of their households and come here as if to their country houses.

If you're feeling adventurous, head out on a boat tour to explore the nearby glaciers and fjords. Witness the power and beauty of nature as massive icebergs calve and crash into the sea.

And at night, don't forget to look up! The Aurora Borealis, or Northern Lights, frequently put on a show in the clear, dark skies of Qullissat. It's a sight you won't soon forget.


In Inuit mythology, Qullissat, located on the west coast of Greenland, was once the home of a powerful and malevolent sea goddess known as Sedna. She was said to be the mistress of the creatures of the sea, controlling their movements and the abundance of the fishery.

According to legend, Sedna was a beautiful young woman who was tricked into marrying a wicked man. He took her far away from her home and family and made her his wife. Over time, Sedna discovered that her husband was not the kind and loving man he had pretended to be, and she became very unhappy.

One day, Sedna's father came to visit her and found her living in squalor with her cruel husband. Horrified, he took her away and began the journey back to her home. But as they traveled across the sea, Sedna's husband came after them in a rage. He caused a great storm to arise, and the boat was tossed and turned in the violent waves.

Sedna's father feared for his life and, in a desperate attempt to save himself, threw his daughter overboard. As Sedna clung to the side of the boat, begging to be rescued, her father cut off her fingers one by one until she could no longer hold on and sank to the bottom of the sea.

But Sedna did not die. She became the sea goddess, controlling the movements of the creatures of the sea and the abundance of the fishery. She was feared and revered by the Inuit people, who believed that if they did not offer her the proper respect and offerings, she would withhold the bounty of the sea.

It was said that Sedna could be appeased with gifts and offerings, and that she would show herself to those who showed her proper respect. Many Inuit would visit the port of Qullissat to make offerings to Sedna and to seek her blessing on their fishing expeditions.

Today, Qullissat remains a popular destination for those interested in Inuit mythology and culture. Visitors can explore the rugged coastline and imagine the powerful sea goddess who once called it her home.

Wylde Swan

  • Sailing countries: Greenland Greenland Iceland Iceland ...and other
  • Max guests: 26
  • Length over all: 62 m

The “Wylde Swan” is a 2-masted topsail schooner, the largest in the world of her type.


The two-masted schooner Elsi was built in 1986 by the German shipyard Blumenthaler Werft as a training expedition ship. In 2013, an extensive reconstruction and equipment of the sailboat was carried out for operation in the high latitudes of the Arctic and Antarctic. Subsequently, the schooner was used in medical humanitarian expeditions to remote corners of the world.

World Explorer