The Greenland Ice sheet is the world′s second largest in terms of fresh water reserves. The Knud Ramussen Glacier is famous for the deep blue colour of the ice.

The Greenland Ice sheet is the world's second largest in terms of fresh water reserves. The Knud Rasmussen Glacier is famous for the deep blue colour of the ice, the outer parts of the glacier calve regularly. 

One of the most captivating natural wonders in Greenland is the Knud Rasmussen Glacier. It is located in the eastern part of Greenland, and it is a breathtaking sight to behold. The glacier is named after the famous Danish explorer, Knud Rasmussen, who was the first European to cross the Northwest Passage via dogsled. According to Inuit mythology, there is an intriguing legend surrounding the glacier.

The story goes that there was a powerful shaman who lived in a small village near the glacier. He was known for his wisdom and his ability to communicate with the spirits of the land and the sea. One day, he received a vision from the spirits, warning him of an impending disaster that would strike his village. The shaman knew that he had to act fast to save his people.

He decided to travel to the glacier, which was said to be the home of a powerful spirit. The shaman believed that this spirit could help him to protect his village from the impending disaster. So, he set out on a journey to the glacier, braving the harsh winds and freezing temperatures of the Arctic.

When he reached the glacier, he found a huge ice cave at its base. Inside the cave, he encountered the spirit of the glacier, who appeared to him in the form of a giant polar bear. The shaman explained his situation to the spirit, and begged for its help.

The spirit listened to the shaman's plea, and agreed to help him. It instructed the shaman to return to his village and gather all the people there, and to lead them to safety on the other side of the glacier. The spirit also warned the shaman that he must never reveal the secret of the ice cave to anyone, or he would suffer a terrible fate.

The shaman did as he was told, and led his people to safety on the other side of the glacier. The disaster that was foretold never came, and the village was spared. The shaman lived the rest of his life in peace, but he always remembered the spirit of the glacier and the important role it had played in saving his people.

To this day, the Knud Rasmussen Glacier remains a source of awe and wonder for visitors to Greenland. And for those who know the legend of the shaman and the spirit of the glacier, it is also a reminder of the power and majesty of nature, and the importance of respecting and protecting it.

Wylde Swan

  • Sailing countries: Greenland Greenland Iceland Iceland ...and other
  • Max guests: 26
  • Length over all: 62 m

The “Wylde Swan” is a 2-masted topsail schooner, the largest in the world of her type.


The two-masted schooner Elsi was built in 1986 by the German shipyard Blumenthaler Werft as a training expedition ship. In 2013, an extensive reconstruction and equipment of the sailboat was carried out for operation in the high latitudes of the Arctic and Antarctic. Subsequently, the schooner was used in medical humanitarian expeditions to remote corners of the world.

World Explorer