L'Islande – une terre chaude de glace

Cela paraît paradoxal, mais ce petit pays insulaire bénéficie d’un climat tempéré grâce au Gulf Stream. Les étés sont frais, mais les hivers ne sont pas aussi rigoureux que sur le continent.

Il faut le visiter ne serait-ce que pour voir en quoi la vie des insulaires heureux dans un environnement rude diffère de celle habituelle de la plupart des habitants des continents de l'étendue.

C'est une terre de mystère et un passé extraordinaire. C'est une île indépendante qui attire continuellement les voyageurs, depuis l'époque de l'exploration viking jusqu'à nos jours.


The two-masted schooner Amazone is an ice class sailing boat launched by Olivier van Meer Design in the Netherlands. She operates in high latitudes of the Arctic and Antarctica. She is capable of high speed but is equally comfortable while cruising.


The two-masted schooner Eldorado is a modern sailing vessel built at the A. Metz Texdok shipyard in the Netherlands in 2007. The schooner was commissioned in 2010.

She is fitted with all necessary navigation and rescue equipment for operation in the high Arctic and Antarctica, as well as for autonomous navigation up to 35 days.

The ship is equipped with 6 double cabins, each cabin has its own bathroom, WC, heating and air conditioning system.

Wylde Swan

  • Segelnde Länder: Grönland Grönland Island Island ...und andere
  • Max Gäste: 26
  • Länge über alles: 62 m

The “Wylde Swan” is a 2-masted topsail schooner, the largest in the world of her type.


The two-masted schooner Elsi was built in 1986 by the German shipyard Blumenthaler Werft as a training expedition ship. In 2013, an extensive reconstruction and equipment of the sailboat was carried out for operation in the high latitudes of the Arctic and Antarctic. Subsequently, the schooner was used in medical humanitarian expeditions to remote corners of the world.

World Explorer