EmbarQ Game Series is a cycle of compact board games that are perfect for diverse groups and any forms of travel.
Light simple card games that require minimum time to get into it.

RUNNING ON WAVES is proud to present you the first edition of a series of collectible card games EmbarQ: Greek Myths.

Our special game developers made unique game mechanics based on Greek culture and Antique history. Professional artists and designers framed it in artworks, layout and content.

You will be able to experience all the treasures of Greek culture and flavors of this astounding land while travelling aboard our ship. Stories of Ancient Greek myths and heroes will add more amazing memories to your journey with us. 

This is a one-bottle-of-wine type of game that will make the evening for a group of up to 6 players.

This limited series is only available at our events and onboard of our ship.

Instructions on how to play the first edition of Greek Myths

Our tips for best strategy and tactics

  • Start by growing number of cards in your hand
  • Proceed by improving the quality of cards in hand
  • When you would collect enough defense, like money or god cards, you should dig more through the deck
  • If most players start to repeat turns, choose another action, like exchange with the deck, because otherwise few new cards will circulate